Chateau de Pourtales - Strasbourg, France

Chateau de Pourtales - Strasbourg, France
This is where we will stay in Strasbourg

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Weds/Thurs March 11 and 12

Everyone enjoyed their final day in Paris on Wednesday.  Everyone covered a lot of ground - the weather was pleasant, and everybody is in good health.  The students saw all the major sights, and even packed in some visits to lesser known places, which was great.

At 4:45am, we bid Paris goodbye and took the TGV (hi-speed train) to Basel, Switzerland.  We arrived, checked in to our very nice hotel, and got used to the dramatic change in architecture, language, and customs.   Many of us sampled good Swiss and German foods - Rosti, Wurst, and plenty of local pastries.  Tomorrow, we head to Novartis for a factory visit.

Below:  The view out our hotel room in Paris.

The Luxembourg Garden on Wednesday - as you can see, our final day in Paris was beautiful.

Below:  Speeding past the French countryside on the TGV to Basel.
Below: Some excellent pastry and coffee in Basel!

1 comment:

  1. like the pastry photo, but liked the champagne photo even more! Have fun.
