Chateau de Pourtales - Strasbourg, France

Chateau de Pourtales - Strasbourg, France
This is where we will stay in Strasbourg

Monday, March 16, 2009

Sunday-Monday March 15-16

The weather in Strasbourg is improving.  Yesterday, we had a discussion with Clarkson Alum Leah Murphy who is currently a graduate student at Jakobs University in Bremen, Germany.  She talked with us about life as an American in Europe and we discussed the differences in the educational system.  In the afternoon, we took a tour of Strasbourg and had a great dinner of tarte flambe, a traditional local dish.  

Today, we started with a lecture from a Dr. Patrick Dollet a Professor at the University of Strasbourg.  We learned about the history of the European Union and discussed current issues facing the EU.  In the afternoon, our facilitator Arabella, took several of us on a bike tour of the area.  Tonight, we are off to a outdoor barbeque dinner with the students from Austin State University who are also here at the chateau.

Below are some photos:

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